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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Boy I haven't written in so long. Cannot say I have been really really busy. Still have a bunch of projects that I need to work on. Need to finish Philips patriotic afghan, a baby afghan, baby blanket. Name it I've got to work on it. Life is so very unpredictable. My sweet brother in law passed away on July 10, 2011 and we all miss him so very much. He was/is such an awesome person, always smiling and always kind. Even when his cancer got really bad you never heard him complain. Boy what a person to look up and try to be just like. I don't know why we all have challenges to go through or why some have more challenges to deal with. Sometimes it makes a person think that it is so unfair, but we have to remember that heavenly father never promised us it would be easy. He did say however that it would be worth it in the end. And so you keep pushing through life and try to live it the best way you should. Which brings to mind that in life you're not always going to have people who love or care for you. But who really cares? There's only one person I feel that I need to please and that is heavenly father. For we all must come before the judgment seat in the end. And so I say "I love life and will endure."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Philip is getting really excited about the upcoming presidential election. He was 100% behind Mike Huckabee, but then found out that Huckabee was not going to run for president. Now he says that he is, that is Mike does. Then Philip says he will back up Sarah Palin. Philip is so cute, you can just see him radiating with excitement. I expect him to be totally active in it, pretty soon. Oh well, we shall see.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I have been sick for the past week and cannot wait to get rid of this stuff.
But you know in spite of being sick, I have really felt fortunate and blessed. Blessed to have a family that loves me and blessed to know that they really need me. I guess that I have learned that a mother is a very important part of the family structure. We keep the family together, and keep it from falling apart. Oh well we are marvelous little creatures called MOM !!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Boy it has been a while since I last wrote. Life gets busy, but I really need to make time to blog. It is so very important to record life's happening as they happen. Well Philip and Buddy went camping with the young men last night. In the freezing cold weather. I had to stay all by myself and I must have woke up every 2 minutes. It's getting bad out in this world we live in. An elderly couple was killed in Colonial Heights, and there was a shoot out in Chesterfield last night. It is really scary, but I have to remember that no matter what as long as you are doing what is right, then you will always be protected. Heavenly Father loves each one of us and watches over us even when there is such wickedness out in the world. Our homes need to be the refuge in the storm.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I heard a lady talking about her blog being her journal on Sunday. Got me back into the mood to work on my blogs. Lately in the christmas mood. I love christmas books and things like that. Music but really not in the mood for shopping. I made all of the christmas gifts for this year. Gifts are so much better when they are made from the heart. Spent thanksgiving with my mom and dad, and Grandma Ann. It was really nice and helped me to see how very blessed I am. I really am a blessed person.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Philip is out working the polls today November 2, 2010. He has been really worked up over this election. I hope things go well for the small business owners out there. I know ours has suffered. My car does not work, things go wrong but I just remember the Lord has never given up on me. That gives me a very comforting feeling. The Lord is on our side.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today was a great day at church. The only problem was my back started hurting in church and has not stopped hurting at all. So aggravating. I know: drink more water. Anyways, just relaxing on this beautiful sabbath day. Until later.